2,171.8 miles ridden.
79,086 feet climbed.
Kosciusko, is it just me, or does this town's name sound like a Greek appetizer?
Today's ride featured some pretty rolling countryside in middle Mississippi, much of it wooded right up to the road's edge. Dogs around here are seldomly leashed or fenced in, and it seems like most are pit bulls, or at least the ones who chase us are. But along the way, there have been some really funny, or at the risk of angering dog lovers, just plain stupid antics by some dogs.
The best was in OK. There were two dogs who came blasting off their front porch on an intercepting trajectory toward us. The lead dog forgot his property was bounded by a chain-link fence, and was promptly and rudely reminded of that fact after he hurled himself nose-first into it, and ricocheted back into a clump of trees. And then there was the bewildered look on the second dog's face as it froze and marveled at the rapid change of events. Silly pooches, that fence was not new, it did not spring up overnight.
Today, there was a large tan pit bull who, similarly, thought it good sport to give chase to those two brightly colored bipedal pedalers. Again, nice closing speed, nice angle of attack, but not so nice temporary amnesia regarding that pesky ditch along the road. Going unexpectedly airborne out over the ditch when the bottom dropped out from under it, the mongrel augured in face first against the far side of the ditch. By the time it shook its head to clear the weeds, leaves and stars from its vision, and re-calibrated its speed and direction, those curious roadsters were out of reach.
Finally, today we also saw a very tiny rat-like dog with either a very big attitude or large dose of stupidity (probably a combination of both), give chase from the far side of the road with its tiny little legs churning like a blender. With oncoming and trailing traffic, this little rascal makes it to the center stripe and proceeds after us as if that yellow line were its guide to the promised land. What exactly this critter was going to do with us if it had caught us, I have no idea, but that didn't deter it one bit from at least getting to the point where that decision would have to be made.
Peoples pooches, good for entertainment if nothing else.
1 roadside quick mart with some seriously good smelling bacon.
1 roadside stop with swarms of crickets and small black flies.
20 days of bright sunshine (out of 21).
More dogs barking at us than I could count.
Hotel: America's Best Value, 3 of 5 stars (nicer than the last ABV).
Restaurant: Rodeo Mexican Restaurant, 3 of 5 stars (Mexican food was better out West).
Those dogs do add a little adrenaline into the legs. I think I need to add this ride to my bucket list.