Monday, October 2, 2017

McBRAAM Stage 3: Blythe, CA to Congress, AZ..."Is that you,Taz?"

371.7 miles ridden.
12,372 feet climbed.

In cycling, there's a well wish often cited, "May you have tailwinds and downhills all the way." If you had to settle for only one of two, which one would it be? We got the tailwind half. And some whirlwinds too. One was so prolific I thought for sure that Taz was about to materialize in front of me.

Maybe somebody can enlighten me why anybody would camp for a week in the middle of the desert where the only plants are prickly, the only insects sting, the only snakes are poisonous, and the only water is found in plastic. Of course, one might also ask why anybody would ride their bicycle through the aforementioned countryside. I pondered this today as I had plenty of time to do so, but never found the words of enlightenment.

I will say, though, that the saguaro cactus is quite amazing. They take 75-100 years just to sprout their first arm, and some never do. So, if patience isn't your thing, you might want to grow roses instead. You still get the prickly feature, but with much earlier gratification.

Congress is a quaint little stop along the highway, and we managed a 1 bedroom apartment by accident at the only hotel in town. Cindy, the proprietor, was booked up tonight, so she gave us the Sierra Vista special. She's also looking to sell the whole enchilada for $375,000, so if you're looking for a sure (hot as) fire turn-key business, maybe this is for you. When I first called her, I had to leave her a message because she was out riding her Quad in the desert. When she called me back, I asked her why she was selling her hotel, and she told me she wanted to retire. I said, "Let me get this straight. You ride your Quad any time you want, have the only hotel within 15 miles, have a revenue stream...what do you retire too? Sounds like you're there already."  She laughed and replied, "When you put it like that, I guess I am, and my price just went up to $500,000."

3 - consecutive days of dirt hard pack ridden
5 - servings of maltodextrin along the way
1 - very impressive desert whirlwind sighted

Hotel: Sierra Vista Hotel, 5 of 5 stars (got the special apartment with extra bedroom and full kitchen).
Restaurant: Nichols West, 3 of 5 stars (this was supposed to be the classy place in wasn't).


  1. Fun read. Can you please add one more stat - total distance ridden that day and trip total? Inquiring minds and all...

    1. I second, the Strava video is super cool and the distance is probably in there but it would be a nice add

  2. What for you bury me in the cold, cold ground?

  3. That cactus is giving you the middle finger.
